

The Fourteenth MEDCOAST Congress

on Coastal and Marine Sciences, Engineering, Management & Conservation

The fourteenth MEDCOAST Congress on Coastal and Marine Sciences, Engineering, Management and Conservation will be held 22-26 October 2019, Marmaris, Turkey.

The 14th MEDCOAST congress will provide excellent opportunities for discussing national and regional efforts in facilitating programs for Mediterranean and the Black Sea in the fields of Integrated Maritime Policy (IMP), Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP) and Blue Growth (Economy).

The technical program of the Marmaris congress will include an opening and keynote session, thematic parallel sessions for oral presentations, several special sessions, a poster session and the closing session, in which the second Marmaris Declaration will be reviewed and endorsed by the participants

Congress Topics

A. Coastal systems, Conservation issues

Geography, geology, geomorphology, sedimentology

Coastal oceanography

Coastal and marine ecosystems, biology and ecology

Marine mammals, endangered species

Conservation issues, biodiversity, exotic & invasive species

Coastal ecosystems management

Rehabilitation of damaged ecosystems

Coastal and marine protected areas

Coastal landscapes

B. Integrated Coastal Management (ICM)

Theoretical framework and case reports

Coastal management tools and instruments, databases

Coastal and marine policy, science and policy integration

Coastal governance, institutional arrangements

International efforts and programs in ICM

Legal, economic and social issues

Environmental / ecological economics

Education, public involvement & NGO role, media role

Evaluation of ICM impacts, coastal management indicators

Demonstration pilot projects

C. Coastal management issues

Coastal and submarine archaeology management of ancient sites, monuments and ship wrecks

Coastal wetlands, dunes, estuaries, deltas and lagoons

Beaches and their management

Coastal water resources and watershed management

Water quality management, water and sediment pollution, land based sources, hazardous wastes, algal blooms, bioindicators of pollution and monitoring, pollution control

Marine litter, solid wastes management

Transboundary pollution issues, legal context

Environmental impacts, coastal degradation, Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA)

Disaster prevention, mitigation and management

Climate change impacts and adaptation strategies

D. Sustainable development of coastal areas

Sustainable development concerns, indicators, sustainable development of coastal and marine resources

Blue economy issues, Integrated Marine Policy (IMP), coastal and maritime spatial planning (CMSP)

Urban development issues waterfront renovation

Coastal tourism planning and management, ecotourism, recreation, marine tourism

Living resources, fisheries, mariculture

Marine transportation issues: oil transport

Marine energy issues

Siting of major industrial facilities

E. Coastal engineering, Modelling, Decision support systems, Data management

Coastal, environmental and ecosystem modelling

Coastal hydrodynamics

Coastal sediment transport and erosion

Coastal processes, erosion control and shoreline management

Coastal and ecocoastal engineering

Water level changes, sea level rise and consequences

Coastal and marine monitoring

Use of remote sensing technology and geographic information systems in coastal management

Congress Secretariat: <>

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