Arabina I. P., Shalovenkov N. N., 1979. Characteristics of the energy balance in a marshy water-body ecosystem. Ecology, № 6 . p . 94-95. (Russian)
Arabina I. P., Shalovenkov N. N., 1980. Associations of benthic animals in some of the water bodies of the Dnieper-Sozh ecemberes. Hydrobiological journal, Volume 16, N 1,p.85-86.
Arabina I. P., Shalovenkov N. N., 1981. Features of the energy balance of aquatic ecosystems of the soil-reclamation canals. The second final conference «The fauna of the Belarusian Palesse, protection and rational use», Gomel State University, p.53. (Russian)
Arabina I. P., Shalovenkov N. N., 1981. Peseckaj L.N., 1981. Zoobenthos of the water bodies of the Pripjatsky Reserve. Reserves of Belarus: Researches. Minsk. Volume 5, p. 116–122. (Russian)
Shalovenkov N. N., 1982. On the composition of detritus sedimented in the coastal benthic communities of the Black Sea. Biology of shelf areas of the World Ocean. The theses of the Second All-USSR marine biology Conference. Vladivostok, Volume 1, p. 180-182. (Russian)
Arabina I. P., Shalovenkov N. N., 1983. The benthic communities of the soil-reclamation canals of the Belarusian Palesse. News of the Academy of Sciences of Byelorussian SSR, Series of Biological Sciences, Minsk, № 3, p. 103-106. (Belorussian)
Shalovenkov N. N., 1983. Shalovenkov N. N., The sedimentation of detritus and its composition in the bay of the Black Sea. Ecology Sea, Issue 14, p. 30-32. (Russian)
Shalovenkov N. N., 1985. Annual dynamics of Kazachya Bay benthos. Procceding of the Conference “Rational use of sea resources as an important contribution into Food Program realization”. Inst. Biol. South. Seas, Sevastopol. Dep. VINITI N 256-85,:156-169. (Russian)
Shalovenkov N. N., 1985. Detritus transformation speed. Regional Conference “Problem investigate, rational use, protection of natural resources of White Sea”, Arkhangelsk, p.192-193. (Russian)
Shalovenkov N .N., 1985. Classification of detritus according to benthic composition of biochemical components. 6 th. All-Union limnologie Conference “Rotation of substance and energy in water reservoir”. Irkutsk, N.5, p.138 – 139 .(Russian)
Shalovenkov N. N., Akimov A.I., 1987. “A” chlorofill and “a” feofetin in sedimentary detritus. Ecologia ecem. N 27, p.16-18.(Russian)
Shalovenkov N. N., 1985. Sedimantion of detritus in benthic communities in the Bay of the Black Sea. Doctor’s thesis, Sevastopol, p.236. (Russian)
Shalovenkov N. N., Vladimirov V. V., Nikolaev V. M., 1987. The vertical heterogeneity of the photic layer in the tropical Atlantic Ocean. The picofraction in the composition of plankton in the tropical zone of Atlantic ocean. Materrial of 20 th cruise of R/V “Professor Vodjanitsky”, IBSS, Sevastopol, Dep.VINITI N 3798-B87, p.146-156. (Russian)
Shalovenkov N. N., Vladimirov V. V., Nikolaev V. M., 1987. The vertical heterogeneity of the photic layer in the tropical Atlantic Ocean. Abstracts of the Third Congress of Soviet Oceanographers. Section of geology, geophysics and geochemistry of the ocean. Leningrad, p. 166-167. (Russian)
Shalovenkov N. N., 1987. Spatial distribution of suspended paticles in tropical and souther Atlantics. The picofraction in the composition of plankton in the tropical zone of Atlantic ocean. Materrial of 20 th cruise of R/V “Professor Vodjanitsky”, IBSS, Sevastopol, Dep.VINITI N 3798-B87, p.134-145. (Russian)
Shalovenkov N. N., 1987. Spatial distribution of suspended paticles in tropical and souther Atlantics. Abstracts of the Third Congress of Soviet Oceanographers. Section of geology, geophysics and geochemistry of the ocean. Leningrad, p. 240.
Shalovenkov N. N. and Dialo M. B., 1988. Spatial distribution of some mass groups of benthic animals on the shelf of Guinea Republic Proc. SRC CERESCOR, Conakry:77-82.
Shalovenkov N. N., 1989. Spatial distribution of some macrozoobenthos groups in the Bay and river Tabunsu. Bulletin du centre de Rogbané (CERESCOR), Conakry, 10:97-113.
Sergeeva N. G., Shalovenkov N. N, 1990. Free-living nematods in benthic biocenoses. Thes 7th International Symposium of Aquatic Nematods, 8-10 August, 1990, Gerseke, The Netherlands, p.17.
Petuchov Y. M. , Shalovenkov N. N., Revkov N. K. and Petrov A .N., 1990. Spatial distribution of the macrozoobenthos in the Laspy Bay, the Black Sea. . Dep. VINITI N 5764-B90. (Russian)
Petuchov Y. M. , Shalovenkov N. N., Revkov N. K. and Petrov A .N., 1991. Analysis of spatial distribution of macrobenthos in the Laspy Bay, the Black Sea, using the methods of Multimeasured statistics. Okeanologiya, 31, v.5: 780-786 .(Russian)
Shalovenkov N. N., 1992. Potentialities of application of the multidimansional statistics methods in the study of zoobenthos. Ecologia morya, N.42, p.88-91. (Russian)
Mesropyan E. А., Ovanesyan A. G., Shalovenkov N. N., 1992. Using a photometric analyzer for definition of concentration and the sizes of particles suspended in water. Hydrobiological journal, Volume 28, № 4, p. 100-103. (Russian)
Shalovenkov N. N., 1993. Methods of multimeashred statistics when studing hierarchical structure of benthos communities. 6th Interdisciplinary Conference on Natural Resource Modeling and Analysis. Sabaudia 16-19 June 1993, p.3.6
Shalovenkov N. N., 1993. Species spatial distribution of polycheates and mollusks in the bay and river Tabunsu (Republik of Guinea). Asia-Pacific symposium on Mangrove Ecosystems. Hong Kong 1-3 september, p.165.
Shalovenkov N. N., 1993. The Communities and Trophic Zones of Macrozoobenthos in Tabunsu Bay, the Republic of Guinea. Proceedings of Second Estuary Simposium on Biology of Estuarine Species. Gdansk 18 – 22 oct., p.18.
Shalovenkov N. N., 1994. The influence of waters stratification to the spatial distribution of benthic communities of high hierarchical rank. 29th European Marine Biology Symposium. 28.08-04.09.1994. Vienna. Austria.
Shalovenkov N. N., 1995. Annual dynamics of the Kazachya Bay benthos. Materials of the Conference “Rational of sea resources important contribution into food program realization”. Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas, Sevastopol. Dep. VINITI N 256-85, p. 156-169. (Russian)
Shalovenkov N. N., 1995. Peculiarities of spatial distribution of some mollusks in a tropical estuary (West Africa). Abstracts Twelfth International Malacological Congress, Vigo, 1995. A.Guerra, E. Rolan and F. Rocha, eds, p. 265. Copyright 1995 by Istituto de Investigaciones Marinas (CSIC) ,Vigo, Spain.
Shalovenkov N. N., 1995. The ecological background and species diversity of polychaetes in a tropical estuarine area (West Africa). Fifth International Polychaete Conference, Qingdao, China, 2-7 July 1995.
Sergeeva N. G., Shalovenkov N.N., 1995. Meiobenthos as a component of benthic communities of solt Donuzlav Lake (Crimea). International Meiofauna Conference NIMCO 3-7 Julli1995. Perhignon, France. NIMCO. Proceeding, 1995, p.52
Shalovenkov N. N., 1995. The hierarchy of benthic communities and the spatial scale of study. Workshop on “The concept of ecosystems”. March 1995. Research Centre Terramare, Wilhelmshaven, Germany.
Shalovenkov N. N., 1996. Changing of the benthic communities in estuarine area of Sevastopol Bay (Blacck Sea). ECSA 26 and ERF 96 Symposium. Middelburg, The Netherlands, 16-20 september, p.38.
Shalovenkov N.N., 1997. Heterogeneous of photical layer in Tropical and South Atlantic. 29th International Liege Colloquium “On Ocean Hydrodynamics”. Liege, May 5-9, 1997, p.72.
Shalovenkov N.N., 1997. Changing the benthic communities in the Sevastopol Bay Estuaries during the last eighty years. NATO TU-Black Sea Project: Symposium on scientific results. Crimea, Ukraine, June 15-19, p. 143-145.
Melnikov, V., L. Kamburska., A.E. Kıdeyş., A. Konsulov., N. Nezlin., U. Niermann., A. Petranu., N. Shalovenkov., E. Shuskina and Z. Uysal., 1997: The Black Sea zooplankton and zoobenthos database: description and evaluation. NATO TU-Black Sea Assessment Workshop. 15-19 June 1997, Crimea, Ukraine.
Shalovenkov N.N., 1997. Small scales in research of biological and pollution of fields on the marine coast. Managing sustainability – the European Perspective and Experiences. Conference of University of Rostock, Germany, July 15-17, p.221-226.
Shalovenkov N.N., 1997. Peculiarity of spatial distribution of the benthos communities on mud in an estuarine area of Sevastopol Bay (Black Sea). Muddy Coasrs ‘97. International Conference on hydrology, sedimentology, geochemistry, and acology of muddy coasts. Wilhelmshaven, Germany, 1-5 September, pp.102.
Shalovenkov N.N., 1997. The ecological barrier in spatial distribution of the benthos communities of mangrove mud (Republic orf Guinea, West Africa). Muddy Coasrs ‘97. International Conference on hydrology, sedimentology, geochemistry, and acology of muddy coasts. Wilhelmshaven, Germany, 1-5 September, p.102-103.
Shalovenkov N.N., 1997. The ecological background and species diversity of polychaetes in a tropical estuarine area (West Africa). Bulletin Marine Sciense, V. 60, N 2, p. 623.
Shalovenkov N. N.,1998. Changing of the Benthic Communities in the Sevastopol Bay Estuary During the Last Eighty Years. NATO TU-Black Sea Project ecosystem modeling as a management tool for the Black Sea. . L. Ivanov and T. Oguz (eds.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, Netherlands, 1998. Vol.1, p.301-310.
Ivanov, L. I., S. Konovalov, V. Melnikov, A. Mikaelyan, O. Yunev, O. Basturk, V. Belokopytov, S. Besiktepe, N. Bodeanu, A. Bologa, A. Cociasu, V. Diakonov, L. Kamburska, A. Kideys, V. Mankovsky, S. Moncheva, N. Nezlin, U. Niermann, A. Petranu, N. Shalovenkov, E. Shushkina, I. Salihoglu, L. Senichkina, Z. Uysal, V. Vedernikov, V. Yakubenko, E. Yakushev, A. Yilmaz Physical, chemical and biological data sets of the TU Black Sea Data Base: Description and evaluation. NATO TU-Black Sea Project: Ecosystem Modelling as a Management Tool for the Black Sea. L. Ivanov and T. Oguz (eds.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, Netherlands, 1998. Vol.1, p.11-38
Shalovenkov N. N.,1998. Biological resources of the estuarine region of the Dniester and their preservation. Biodiversity conservation on the middle and lower Dniester. Materials of the International Conference, Chisinau, Moldova, 6-7 November 1998, p.193-194. (Russian)
Shalovenkov N. N., 1999. Anthropogeneous loads and ecological conditions of Sea Coast of the Crimea (Black Sea). Oceanography of eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea: Similarities and differencesof two interconnected basins. International Conference. Athens, Creece, p.373.
Shalovenkov N. N., 1999. Development of recreation, anthropogenic load, and nature conservation of Crimea Coast (Black Sea). 2nd International Wildlife Management Congress:Wildlife, Land, and People: Priorities for the 21 st Century , Hungary, p. 95.
Shalovenkov N. N., 1999. Organization of the international network on biodiversity and landscapes of Dniester. Materials of the international conference: “Biodiversity Сonservation of the Dniester Basin”. Chisinau, Moldova, p. 255-257. (Russian)
Shalovenkov, N.N. 2000. Development of mangrove woods and their influence on bioproductivity of coastal shelf of Republic of Guinea (West Africa). 13. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Tropenökologie gtö,2000, 1.-3. März 2000, Würzburg.
Shalovenkov N. N., 2000. Scales of Ecological Processes and Anthropogenous Loads on the Coastal Ecosystems of the Black Sea. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. V.50, p. 11-16..
Shalovenkov N. N., 2000. Visualization of the data and computer atlas of ecological condition in coastal sea. The International Symposium on Environmental Software Systems (ISESS) 2000 Workshop Symposium on Integration in Environmental Information Systems, Zell am See, Austria May 30 to June 2, 2000.
Shalovenkov N. N., 2001. Scales of Ecological Processes and Necessity of Integration of the International and National Systems of Monitoring and Management of Environment. 2001 Berlin Conference on the Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change “Global Environmental Change and the Nation State”, Germany, 7-8 December 2001.
Shalovenkov N. N., 2002. Interaction of Land and Water Ecosystems in Recreational and Protected Areas. Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas. Conference Proceedings ed by A. Arnberger, C. Brandenburg, A. Muhar. Bodenkultur University Vienna, Austria, January 30 – February 02, 2002, p. 452-459.
Piontkovski, S; et al. 2002. The Global Plankton Database: an inventory and data from the Former Soviet Union expeditions. Publisher:Pangaea, 2002.02.17.
Shalovenkov N., 2003. Restoration some parameters in the development of benthos after reduction of anthropogenous loading in the ecosystem of the Sevastopol Bay in the Black Sea. The 35th International Liège Colloquium on Ocean Dynamics on “Dying and Dead Seas”, Liège, Belgium, May 5th to 10th, 2003.
Shalovenkov N., Ruabtzev Ju. . 2003. Influence of coastal currents on spatial distribution of the mass benthic species. Ecological safety of coastal and shelf zones and complex use of shelf resources. Sevastopol, V-9.p.168-177. (Russian, abstract in English)
Shalovenkov N., 2003. Change of species structure of benthic communities in the Sevastopol Bay during century. Ecological safety of coastal and shelf zones and complex use of shelf resources. Sevastopol, V-9. P.262-267. (Russian)
Shalovenkov N., Ruabtzev Ju. ,. 2003. The hydrological factors as the reason of formation of some features in spatial distribution of zoobenthos. Ocean governance and sustainable development: Ocean and Coasts – a glimpse into the future. International Conference 30-th Pacem in Maribus. P.123.
Shalovenkov N., Shalovenkova V., 2003. Computer maps of ecological condition and atlas of pollution in coastal sea ecosystems. Scientific and policy challenges towards an effctive management of the marine environment. Forum on the EUESA “GMES” initiative, Albena, Bulgaria 12-18 Oktober, p.260.
Shalovenkov N., Ruabtzev Ju. ,. 2004. Spatial variability of coastal currents and benthic communities’ distribution. Ecological safety of coastal and shelf zones and complex use of shelf resources. Sevastopol, V.10, p.190-197. (Russian)
Shalovenkov N., 2005. Restoration some parameters in the development of benthos after reduction of anthropogenous loading in the ecosystem of the Sevastopol Bay in the Black Sea. Mitigation and Adaptation Startegies for GlobalChange. V. 10, p. 105-113.
Shalovenkov N., 2006. Relative ecological restoration benthic communities through reduction in anthropogenous loadings and influence of climatic changes. International Workshop of the Specialist Group “Restoration Ecology” of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland «Species Introduction in Restoration Projects – Possibilities and Limitations», Germany, Freising – Weihenstephan, 30 March – 1 April.
Shalovenkov N., 2006. Scales of ecological processes and monitoring of coastal sea ecosystems. The international scientifically-practical conference “Monitoring of an environment: scientifically-methodical, normative, technical software “ 18 – 22 September, 2006,Ukraine, Crimea, Koktebel, p.50. (Russian)
Shalovenkov N., Ruabtzev Ju. ,. 2007. The formation of some features in spatial distribution of zoobenthos by hydrological condition in the coastal ecosystems. 39th International Liege Colloquium on Ocean Dynamics and 3rd Warnemunde Turbulence Days (7-11 May 2007), 73 p.
Shalovenkov N., 2009. Influence of climatic changes and anthropogenic meddling in benthic communities of the estuary of the Sevastopol Bay (the Black Sea). Research and Management for the Conservation of Coastal Lagoon Ecosystems. 4th European Conference on Coastal Lagoon Research, Montpellier, France, december 14-18, 2009, p. 227.
Shalovenkov N., 2014. Temporal and spatial scales of impacts of alien species on the zoobenthos in the Black Sea. Neobiota 2014, 8th International Conference on Biological Invasions, Biological Invasions: From understanding to action, 3-8 November 2014, Antalya-Turkey, p. 223.
Shalovenkov N., 2014. Relative habitat restoration is the reason for the improvement of the benthic biodiversity in the Sevastopol Bay (the Black Sea). Zoology 2014, 21st Benelux Congress of Zoology, Liege, Belgium 12 &13 December 2014, p. 229.
Shalovenkov N., 2017. Non-native zoobenthic species at the Crimean Black Sea Coast. Mediterranean Marine Science. V. 18, I. 2, p. 260-270
Shalovenkov N., 2019. Alien Species Invasion: Case Study of the Black Sea. Chapter 31. In book: Coasts and Estuaries. The Future. Editors: E. Wolanski, J. Day, M. Elliott, R. Ramesh. Publisher: Elsevier, p. 547-568.
Shalovenkov N.N. 2020. Tendencies of invasion of alien zoobenthic species into the Black Sea. Russian Journal of Biological Invasions. Issue 1, p. 72-80. (Russian)
Shalovenkov N. N. 2020. Tendencies of Invasion of Alien Zoobenthic Species into the Black Sea. Russian Journal of Biological Invasions, 2020, Vol. 11, No. 2, pp. 164–171. © Pleiades Publishing, Ltd.
Shalovenkov N.N., 2021. Distribution of alien zoobenthic species on the shelf of the Black Sea. Russian Journal of Biological Invasions. Issue 4. P. 157-177. (Russian)
Shalovenkov N.N., 2022. Distribution of Alien Zoobenthic Species on the Black Sea Shelf. Russian Journal of Biological Invasions, Vol. 13, No. 1, pp. 123–139. © Pleiades Publishing, Ltd.
Shalovenkov N.N., 2023. Tendency of an Increase in the Abundance of Macrozoobenthos Species in the Sevastopol Bay. Inland Water Biology, Vol. 16, No. 3, pp. 337–348.
Shalovenkov N.N., 2023. Tendency of an Increase in the Abundance of Macrozoobenthos Species in the Sevastopol Bay. Inland Water Biology, Vol. 16, No. 3, pp. 462–472. © Pleiades Publishing, Ltd.
Shalovenkov N.N., 2023. Mollusc Anadara kagoshimensis, Allien Species, in Structures of the Benthic Communities on the Crimea Shelf. Biologiya Vnutrennykh Vod, No. 4, pp. 491–500.
Shalovenkov N.N., 2023. The Alien Mollusk Anadara kagoshimensis in the Structure of Benthic Communities on the Crimean Shelf. Inland Water Biology, Vol. 16, No. 4, pp. 681–689. © Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2023