The symposium Estuaries and coastal seas in the Anthropocene
6 to 10 September 2021, Hull, United Kingdom
COVID-19. The symposium “ECSA 58 – EMECS 13: Estuaries and coastal seas in the Anthropocene – Structure, functions, services and management” postpone to 6-10 September 2021 at the same venue, the University of Hull, UK. The organizers of the Symposium – are the Estuarine Coastal Sciences Association, the International EMECS Center and publishing house Elsevier.
Proposed Symposium Topics:
- Physical, chemical and ecological structure and functioning
- Hydrodynamics and hydrology, including modelling
- Adequacy of modelling and prediction of change
- Endogenic Managed Pressures and Exogenic Unmanaged Pressures
- Interference with connectivity across and between systems
- Repercussions of the loss of resources (space, energy, water, etc.)
- Loss and gain of habitats and ecosystems
- Recovery, restoration and creation of habitats and populations
- Recovering and increasing resilience to future changes
- Urbanisation and industrialisation of estuaries and semi-enclosed seas
- Ecosystem Services and Societal Goods & Benefits
- Blue Growth and Green Growth – maximising benefits and minimising impacts
- Governance and adaptive management – from the local to the global
- Holistic approach to successful and sustainable management
- Coping with moving baselines
- Science-Policy communication
Conference Chairs
Professor Mike Elliott, University of Hull, and International Estuarine & Coastal Specialists Ltd
Professor Victor de Jonge, University of Hull, and International Estuarine & Coastal Specialists Ltd
If you have any questions about proposing a session for conference, please the Conference Content Coordinator at <>.
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