International Biodiversity & Ecology Sciences Symposium 2019
September 26-28, 2019, İstanbul-Turkey
The International Biodiversity & Ecology Sciences Symposium (BioEco2019) will be held on 26-28 September 2019 in İstanbul- Turkey, with the academic contributions of İskenderun Technical University and Harran University. The conference will be attended by experts who are interested in Biodiversity & Ecology sciences from related institutes, universities, ministries and non-governmental organizations.
The conference will address issues of biodiversity and ecology across a deliberately wide range of relevant spheres and interacting topics.
Symposium Topics
Theme Section A: |
Conservation of Biodiversity: Biological and Ecological Aspects in Aquatic Ecosystems |
Session 1 |
Mediterranean Sea: Past, present and future changes of alien species |
Session 2 | Tell the Black Sea: from individuals to Ecosystems |
Session 3 | Freshwater Ecosystems |
Session 4 |
Population status, life histories, ecology, assessment, and management of aquatic species. |
Session 5 |
Conservation of Biological Diversity |
Theme Section B |
Biological and Ecological Aspects in Terrestrial Ecosystems |
Session 1 | Terrestrial ecology and biodiversity in a changing Eurasia |
Session 2 |
Population status, life histories, ecology, assessment, conservation and management of terrestrial species. |
Theme Section C: |
Climate Change |
Session 1 |
Global impacts of climate change on biodiversity |
Session 2 |
Climate Change & Climate dynamics through the time scale |
Theme Section D: | Bioindicators and Biomonitoring |
Theme Section E: | Biological Diversity: its past and prospects |
Theme Section F: |
Bioinvasion trajectories and impacts in contrasting environments |
Theme Section G: |
Effects of Plastic Pollution on Environment: From macro to nano scale |
Theme Section H: |
Environmental Management: Renewable Sources, Recycling and Environmental Management |
Theme Section I: |
Other topics |
Deadline for the submission of the presentation is 20 August 2019. Abstracts of accepted presentations will be published free of charge in an e-book of symposium proceedings. Registration for the symposium is obligatory. Detailed information can be obtained through the web site of the symposium – here >>
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