Conference ISEM8

8th Internaitional Symposium_1

8th International Conference of Ecologists of Montenegro

2-6 October 2019, Budva, Montenegro

The 8th International Conference of Ecologists will take place on October 2-6, 2019, in Budva, Montenegro. The scope of the Conference is to gather scientists and practicionists in the field of research, monitoring and governing nature in Southern and Eastern Europe, coming from different social environments. The goal of the conference is to raise awareness on the natural values of this part of Europe, and point out the necessity of connecting science and different policies in the process of decision making.

The Conference will include following thematic areas:

Session 1: BIODIVERSITY RESEARCH AND CONSERVATION: taxonomy; faunistics, floristics; terrestrial and aquatic Ecosystems; conservation biology; managing ecosystems and populations.

Session 2: FUNDAMENTAL AND APPLIED ECOLOGY: ecology of populations and communities; behavioral ecology; landscape ecology, invasive species, biogeography; fisheries and aquaculture; epidemiology; conservation, propagation and phytochemical studies of medicinal plants.

Session 3: GENETIC RESOURCES: all aspects of taxonomical, morphological, physiological, genetical, cytological and ethnobotanical research on genetic resources; crops/breeds evolution, gene bank management (collecting, maintenance, evaluation and documentation).

Session 4: ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AND NATURAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT: envrironmental chemistry; ecotoxicology; biomonitoring; pollution; ecological indicators; monitoring Systems; soil and water conservation; pedology; agro-meteorology; soil erosion; food technology; food safety.

Session 5: FORESTRY AND AGROECOLOGY: silviculture; seed management; forest management, policy and economics; forest ecology and genetics; hunting; integrated pest management; plant protection; organic agriculture; production techniques; soil fertility management

Session 6: SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AND PHYSICAL PLANNING: urban ecology; architecture & ecology; cultural ecology; ecology and society; tourism; rural architecture and preservation of rural heritage.

Session 7: ECOLOGICAL EDUCATION: citizen science; climate change education; ecology and NGO.

Session 8: ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY: ecological safety; policies related to environment protection and natural resources management; energy economics; energy accounting and balance; environmental services; ecological-economic modeling.

The details on the registration, plan of work, due dates, abstract-sending procedures and works are available on Conference website >>

For any additional information please feel free to contact prof. dr Vladimir Pešić, Conference Chair, email: