2nd Global Summit on Environmental Science and Applications
May 25-27, 2023, Brussels, Belgium
The Scientistt* will host the 2nd Global Summit on Environmental Science and Applications (EnScience2023) will be held in Brussels, Belgium during May 25-27, 2023.
The objective of EnScience2023 is to provide a unique forum for discussion of the latest developments, expand knowledge, and will offer plenty of networking opportunities, give a chance to meet and interact with leading researchers in the field of Environmental Science and Applications. The summit features top researchers including some of the top 100 Environmental scientists and highly cited researchers in the field.
EnScience2023 summit organizers plan to bring together the renowned researchers, scientists and scholars to exchange ideas, to present sophisticated research works and to discuss hot topics in the field and share their experiences on all aspects of Environmental Science and Applications.
The EnScience2023 will be a 3 days event that means to gather the key players of the Environmental Science and Applications community and related sectors. This event is launched with the aims to become an established event, attracting global participants, intent on sharing, exchanging and exploring new avenues of environmental science and applications -related scientific and commercial developments.
A wide-ranging scientific program consisting of plenary lectures, keynote lectures, Invited lectures, parallel sessions, as well as poster sessions for young scientists covering all topics in environmental science and applications will be scheduled. This conference provides a wonderful opportunity for you to enhance your knowledge about the newest interdisciplinary approaches in Environmental Science and Applications.
Moreover, the conference offers a valuable platform to create new contacts in the field of Environmental Science and Applications, by providing valuable networking time for you to meet great personnel in the field.
Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:
Conference Secretary EnScience2023: <enscience2023@thescientistt.com>
For more information about the 2nd Global Summit on Environmental Science and Applied Ecology, please visit the Summit website>>
*Thescientistt.com – conducts a scientific conferences to create a platform for academicians, researchers, scholars and eminent experts in field of Science