New issue of ECNC Update

Volume 23, № 2 – March 2016


Ecosystem restoration survey – please participate

If you are an expert directly involved in restoration actions, or if you have information about restoration actions within your sector or other work, we would very much appreciate it if you would share your information with us, preferably before 15 April. Full story

Research to support innovating with nature

The new collaboration platform Oppla developed by OPERAs and OpenNESS.  Full story

Healthy Seas in 2015: many more nets and partners!

Last year’s results have been published and they look very encouraging! Full story 

Seafood Summit: Illegal fishing also responsible for ghost nets

Healthy Seas was at the SeaWeb Seafood Summit 2016 in Malta (1-3 February). Full story

New ECNC Network partner

The Department of Landscape Architecture, Ankara University, Turkey. Full story

Vote for the European Natura 2000 Citizens’ Award!

The application that receives the most votes will be awarded the European Natura 2000 Citizens’ Award. Full story

European workshop on control and radication of invasive alien plant species

19 – 21 April 2016, Budapest, Hungary

The Duna-Ipoly National Park Directorate and WWF Hungary are organizing an international workshop on best practices in invasive plant management. More information

Workshop on Mediterranean forest management and Natura 2000

9–11 May 2016, Parc naturel régional du Luberon, France

The workshop will be of particular interest to local and regional practitioners from the forestry and nature conservation fields in the Mediterranean region. Full story

European Ecosystem Services Conference – Helping nature to help us

19-23 September 2016, Antwerp University, Belgium

The conference is organized by the research projects OPERAs, OpenNESS, and ECOPLAN and the Ecosystem Services Partnership (ESP). Full story

Bosland 10-year anniversary conference: People and nature in partnership

12-14 October 2016, Lommel, Belgium

The conference programme is being developed not only to celebrate the scale of achievements, but also to provide a platform for stimulating networking for all participants. Full story