Volume 24, № 4 – June 2017
Connecting Nature officially launched
On 8 & 9 June 2017 the kick-off event of Connecting Nature took place at Trinity College Dublin, Ireland. Connecting Nature is an EU Horizon 2020 Innovation Action.
Conference on EU Action Plan for nature
On 6 June 2017 the European Commission held a conference to officially present the Action Plan for nature, people and economy to relevant authorities and stakeholders.
Let’s Talk About Data – Wildlife recording
Bristol Natural History Consortium and partners of the National Biodiversity Network have developed a toolkit to communicate about wildlife recording.
European Natura 2000 Award 2018: Calls are open!
The European Natura 2000 Award has opened for a fourth year of applications. The high-profile ‘EU Citizens’ Award’ goes to the application receiving the highest number of nominations through a public vote on the Award website. The call for applications will be open until 29 September 2017.
OECD publication on marine protected areas
The OECD published its report Marine Protected Areas: Economics, Management and Effective Policy Mixes on 5 June 2017, on World Environment Day and on the occasion of the UN SDG 14 Oceans Conference in New York, USA, 5-9 June. The report is available here >>
EEA report on the transition towards a circular economy
On 6 June 2017, a European Environment Agency (EEA) report published stresses that ‘circular’ business models cannot rely on smarter product design alone, but will also require the development of related support services and recycling infrastructure.
Read more and download the report here >>
NATURE@work – EEA photography competition
The European Environment Agency (EEA) is organizing a photography competition ‘NATURE@work’, which invites European citizens to capture how nature benefits them. Photographs can be submitted in the following categories: NATUREprovides, NATUREprotects, and NATUREinspires.
Submission deadline: 15 August 2017 at 23:59 (CEST). Entry is free of charge.
Full details, including terms and conditions, can be found here>>
Eurosite Annual Meeting:
Improving natural sites – join forces and prioritise your conservation actions
25-27 September 2017, Finland
Parks and Wildlife Finland (Metsähallitus) is hosting a combined event consisting of the Eurosite Annual Meeting and a Natura 2000 Biogeographical Process (Boreal region) Thematic Networking Event…
Our Ocean, An Ocean for Life
5 & 6 October 2017, Malta
The European Union will host the fourth high-level Our Ocean conference in Malta, at the heart of the Mediterranean, on 5 and 6 October 2017.
Sustainable Energy for Africa
23-25 October 2017, Brussels, Belgium
The Royal Academy for Overseas Sciences (RAOS) of Belgium is organizing an international conference to raise awareness of the opportunities and challenges of sustainable energy development in Africa.
The Journal for Nature Conservation
The Journal for Nature Conservation, published by Elsevier in affiliation with ECNC, is a scientific journal focusing on methods and techniques used in nature conservation.
Additional online resources