Volume 24, № 3 – Aprel 2017
OpenNESS partners reflect on progress and impact
The participants of the final OpenNESS Annual Meeting in Smolenice, Slovakia, presented research outcomes and discussed the impact of their efforts to operationalize natural capital and ecosystem services.
ECNC welcomes SABUKO as an ECNC Network partner
The Society for Nature Conservation «SABUKO» is a nature conservation organization in Georgia, founded in 2014 as a successor of the GCCW, formerly a BirdLife Partner.
You can read more about SABUKO on their website >>
Sea turtles and ‘plastic soup’ in the classroom
In March, Children at De Bloemaert primary school in Tilburg, the Netherlands, spent learning about ‘plastic soup’ in sea water as the problem of pollution seas and oceans.
New report on the state of the UK’s birds
The state of the UK’s birds (SUKB) published new report of the status of bird populations in the UK and its Overseas Territories.
Protect the soil now: Sign the European Citizens’ Initiative
Specific law that protects the soil is not in Europe yet. People4Soil is a European citizens’ initiative (ECI) backed by more than 400 associations, including ECNC. To give your support to an ECI, you need to provide more information compared to a normal petition: save the soil with your signature!
25th anniversary of LIFE and the Habitats Directive
On 21 May, the Habitats Directive and of the LIFE programme marks the 25th anniversary. Commissioner Vella, together with representatives of the European Parliament, the Presidency of the European Council and the Committee of the Regions will proclaim 21 May as ‘European Natura 2000 Day’ at a special event in Brussels.
ALTER-Net Conference 2017: Nature and society: synergies, conflicts, trade-offs
2-5 May 2017, Ghent, Belgium
The conference will be a meeting place for scientists from the humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, local, regional and EU level policymakers and NGOs.
European Maritime Day 2017: The Future of our Seas
18 & 19 May 2017, Poole, UK
The two-day conference ‘The future of our seas’ will held in Poole, UK, at the heart of European Maritime Day on 18 and 19 May.
Green Week 2017 – The transition towards a circular economy
29 May – 2 June 2017, Brussels, Belgium
The EU Green Week annual conference brings together participants from different fields, from government and industry to non-governmental organisations, academia and the media.
Sustainable Energy for Africa
23-25 October 2017, Brussels, Belgium
The Royal Academy for Overseas Sciences (RAOS) of Belgium is organizing an international conference to raise awareness of the opportunities and challenges of sustainable energy development in Africa.
The Journal for Nature Conservation
The Journal for Nature Conservation, published by Elsevier in affiliation with ECNC, is a scientific journal focusing on methods and techniques used in nature conservation.
Additional online resources
The Natura 2000 Communication Platform>>